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FFXIV Moonfire Faire Event Overview and Rewards, 2024

FFXIV Moonfire Faire Event Overview and Rewards, 2024

The 2024 FFXIV Moonfire Faire event is back, this event will start on August 8 and last until August 26, so let's get into the event overview and rewards! There is a lot to see and do from quests with rewards to location events. Let's take a closer look at what this year's event has to offer.


Event Start

To start off the Moonfire Faire event, head over to Limsa Lominsa. You can teleport up to the AR Castle on the upper decks of Limsa Lominsa. This is where you will find the start of the new quest,  "Fire Red Beast Green", which kicks off the event. Also, be sure to check out the Moonfire Fair crier for more information about the event. The quest will take you through Eastern La Noscea and Costa Del Sol before ending with a visit to the Isle of Endless Summer.

FFXIV Aethernet Map


Quest Rewards

Once you complete the quest, you will be rewarded with the "Uchi West Hoy" emote. Additionally, there is a vendor next to NPC Margar called Moonfire Fair that sells event items that you can buy with tokens that are earned from participating in various activities around Costa Del Sol.

FFXIV Moonfire Bazaar Store sells items

One of these new items is an animated tabletop item called "Bouncing Bomb Balloon" which costs 5k Gil. There are also different fireworks, tracers, and sparklers from previous years available for purchase as well. After interacting with three NPCs throughout your journey you will get an emote tied to that final NPC.


Rewards Details
Emote Uchi West Hoy
Vendor Items Bouncing Bomb Balloon and other event items
Follow-up Quest Available after obtaining the emote


Location Events

The location events at this year's FFXIV Moonfire Faire offer a wide variety of activities and rewards for players. Here is what we know:

  • Jumping Puzzle: A challenging jumping puzzle returns once again this year which always provides quite a thrill for those who dare to attempt it.
  • Set Pieces: Players will be able to interact with set pieces such as Lara namazu performing Was Hoy emote as well as adorable NPCs that offer clap emotes.
  • Bomb Avoidance: Participants will need to navigate through bomb avoidance sections which always adds a level of excitement and skill testing challenge for those who try their hand at it.
  • Slide and Fireworks: The slide is always a fun time but this year they have added a fireworks section to really bring out the festive feel of the event.
  • Gposing Opportunities: There will be various Gposing sections throughout the event such as Pyate Techic and bomb posing areas which are sure to provide plenty of memorable moments with friends.


Housing Showcase

The housing showcase at the Moonfire Faire offers unique items that can be used to decorate player residences with a festive air. Let’s take a closer look at one such housing item:

Bouncing Bomb Balloon Show

Bouncing Bomb Balloon

A bouncing bomb balloon adds a touch of whimsy to any celebration of the Moonfire Fair – or housing decor in general! Here are some key points about this adorable item:

  • Description: Inflated monsters that bop about with a plum.
  • Placement: This versatile balloon can be placed on tabletops or floors.
  • Animation: The playful balloons bob up and down, filling your home with life and movement.
  • Variants: There are three different colors – red, yellow, blue – each glowing slightly brighter than the others under different lighting.


Emote Showcase & Thoughts

The Uchi was Hoy emote takes center stage in our emote showcase with its lively animation. This non-looping emote has sound effects and features a bamboo pole painted with an absolutely charming namazu face. Players will be able to swing around their poles while using this emote, making it great for showing off! With its high quality design and usefulness for in-game photography I think this is going to become one of those "must-have" items for people who like taking pictures within games.

FFXIV Uchi was Hoy Emotes

In summary, the FFXIV Moonfire Faire event presents players with unique housing items and emotes. Whether you want to add a whimsical touch to your home or express yourself in new ways, there is something for everyone! Make sure not miss out on this event and get these fantastic items that will surely enhance your FFXIV experience.

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