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FFXIV Raiding FAQs: Endgame, Combat System, Loot and Tips

FFXIV Raiding FAQs: Endgame, Combat System, Loot and Tips

If you are a beginner at Final Fantasy XIV raiding scene but want to know something more challenging than just MSQ content from the base game. This raiding FAQs guide will give you an overview on what to expect when doing extreme trials, savage raids or ultimate ones and how to prepare for them.


Types of Endgame Content

In FFXIV there are 3 types of difficulties for end game contents: Extreme Trials (ET), Savage Raids (SR) and Ultimate Raids (UR). Each one requires an eight man group setup where players need good understanding about combat system mechanics used in fights.

Level of Difficulty Description
Extreme Trials A step up in difficulty from normal trials, introducing occasional DPS checks and personal responsibility mechanics.
Savage Raids Harder than extreme trials, featuring more intense DPS checks, healing, mitigation, and mechanics requiring personal responsibility.
Ultimate Raids Based on a series of trials or raids, comprising reimagined and entirely new mechanics, with fights lasting 15 to 20 minutes on average.


Additionally, On top these four player contents can also be considered as end-game dungeons such as Criterion Dungeon and Criterion Savage Dungeons which offers different kind of challenge.


What are Extreme Trials?

Extreme trials act as a stepping stone into higher tier raiding by providing harder versions over Normal trials which test your skills. These fight involve occasional DPS check where you should have enough damage output if not then required mechanics will wipe whole party unlike standard ones which are pretty lenient.


They introduce mechanics that require personal responsibility so it adds another layer compared to normal mode fights.


What are Savage Raids?

Savage raids increase difficulty level from ETs with their complex mechanics design; any mistake made during this type encounter can cause full party wipe because they demand precise coordination between all members involved .


There is a lot going on in terms of DPS checks needed to beat these encounters making healing and mitigation more demanding overall thus presenting greater challenge among veteran players.


What are Ultimate Raids?

Ultimate raids represent highest-end content within ffxiv raid tier list. These fights take place around already existing trials or raids but have completely different set ups of mechanics as well as new ones being added too. They also last for very long periods up to about 15-20 minutes on average which makes them longest fights in game.


How To Get Started?

1. Getting Comfortable with Your Job:

  • Join Balance Discord or go to Balance website for openers, bis gear sets and FAQ of each job.
  • Practice your job's rotation on a striking dummy until you have it down.
  • Try your hand at current max level normal raids and trials to get used to rotating AND doing basic mechanics at the same time.
  • Focus on getting comfortable/proficient with one job so that you can perform well in high end content.


2. Starting Extreme Trials:

  • Use PF (Party Finder) on NA/EU/OCE servers for Ex/Savage/Ultimate content.
  • Read party finder descriptions; understand keywords such as "fresh" and "blind" pertaining to your experience level/approach towards the fight.
  • Watch comprehensive guides on YouTube for an in-depth understanding of ex/savage fights.
  • If you want tangible progress, focus on learning initial fight mechanics first.


3. Progressing In Raids:

  • Identify the "prog point" — where you hit a wall with new mechanic(s) in a fight — and work from there.
  • Join/create PFs (Party Finders) with specific prog points ("starting from XYZ", "…kill" etc.) and work on mastering those mechanics.
  • Emphasize understanding over rote memorization when progressing through raid encounters.


4. Advancing To Savage Raids:

  • Get ready for savage by having proper gear readiness: new crafted sets, melded gear, BiS food/pots/etc.
  • Refer to Balance resources (website) for progression best practices and optimal consumables for your job.
  • Cap new tome currency so that you can buy better gear before entering new savage tier.


How Does Savage Loot Work?

Weekly Lock System
  • Savage loot works on a weekly lock system that resets every Tuesday.
  • When you clear a fight for the first time in a week, you will receive one page or book currency.
  • This currency can be traded to the corresponding raid NPC Merchant for gear.
  • The amount of loot available for rolling is determined by the number of players who have already cleared the fight within the weekly lock timeframe.
Loot Distribution
  • If no one has cleared for the week, maximum loot is available for rolling and any player can roll on it.
  • If 1-4 players have cleared, loot available for rolling is halved and players who have already cleared cannot roll.
  • If 5+ players have cleared, no loot drops for rolling but those who haven't cleared still receive currency.
PF Phrases
  • "Two chests" means full loot is available because nobody in party has cleared that week.
  • "One chest" means 1-4 people in party have cleared and therefore less loot is dropped.
  • "Page run", "book run", or "zero chest" signifies 5+ people have cleared so no loot drops.
Raid Progression Tips
  • Understand the loot system and party finder phrases before joining Savage raids
  • Consider making/joining a pf with fresh blind Prague or Prague w/ guide review requirements
  • Savage raids are harder than Ex Trials; don't give up easily if prog isn't fast!
Transitioning To Ultimate Raids
  • Clear at least 1 savage tier before attempting ultimates, to build experience/skill.
  • Ultimate bosses need optimal gear sets, foods and potions which stresses the need for maximizing DPS.
  • For ultimate raids, it also applies to join or list in party finder for fresh blind Prague or Prague with guide review requirements.


Extra Tips

Tip 1. Creating a Static:

  • Consider making/joining a static for raiding.
  • Look in PF, recruitment discords, Reddit recruitment, etc.
  • Joining a static gives you a consistent group of people to progress through the raids with.


Tip 2. Slow Progression:

  • Understand that ultimates have slower progression than savages.
  • Don't get discouraged about slow prog since it's part of raiding.
  • Just stay patient and keep working on your skills over time.


Tip 3. Asking For Help/Feedback:

  • Be open to tips and criticism from other players.
  • Never be afraid to ask questions or for clarification on raid mechanics.
  • Take the time to understand the mechanics so you don't make the same mistakes over and over again and can improve.


Raiding in FFXIV is fun and fulfilling but also challenging. These extra tips should help you become more confident when approaching raid content, as well as give you some guidance on what to do next if you’re lost. Remember that practice makes perfect, so don't let failures discourage you too much – just try harder next time!

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