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Path of Exile 2 Build Tier List: Ranking All Ascendancies with Best Builds

In Path of Exile 2, every class has specialized subclasses called Ascendancies. With each Ascendancy having its own unique mechanics and playstyle, choosing one is an extremely important decision for players. The following text attempts to rank all 12 available Ascendancies in Early Access, alongside their most popular builds and an accompanying SWOT analysis.


Path of Exile 2 Build Tier List: Ranking All Ascendancies with Best Builds


How is this Tier List Structured?

I have consolidated feedback from community sources, social media, guides, and even content creators and have come up with three overarching categories or tiers: S-Tier, A-Tier, B-Tier. S-Tier is where the dominant Ascendancies go while B-Tier is home to the less powerful and more niche options. Each tier has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and each Ascendancy comes with an optimal build to help players maximize their effectiveness.


S-Tier: The Best Ascendancies in Path of Exile 2


- Mercenary Witchhunter

Best Build: Witchhunter Crossbow Build

The strongest Mercenary Witchhunter is propped up by the crossbow build popularized by PoE2 content creator Bigdaddy.

It uses Galvanic Shards with Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ice to achieve outstanding damage. Having Blink allows for faster movement across the map.

This build always manages to perform great in both clear speed and survival, which is why a lot of players like it. 

Build link:


- Sorceress Stormweaver

Best Build: Archmage Spark Mana Stacker

The Stormweaver's best build focuses on stacking mana enabling both highly damaging and survivable skills which is unique.

The Archmage buff works really well with Spark skill while unleashing great amounts of damage.

Gear is not that important, but damage to spells is a must. 

Build link:


- Mercenary Gemling Legionnaire

Best Build: Gemling Attribute Stacker

This build takes advantage of exceptional items like Pillar of the Caged God and Hand of Wisdom and Action which provides scaling attributes with huge damage. The Enhanced Effectiveness passive makes is even more powerful.

Well known for its flexibility and scalability, this build also has a great deal of tankiness while at the same time clears maps efficiently.

Build link:



- Ranger Deadeye

Best Build: Lightning Arrow Deadeye

One of the best builds for farming endgame content. The synergy of Cast on Shock and Ball Lightning is great for dealing massive damages to bosses.

This construction is pretty cost friendly, easy to learn, and has plenty of room for improvement when it comes to inflicting damage.

Build link:


A-Tier: Extremely Effective, Useful, and Dependable Ascendancy Specials


- Ranger Pathfinder

Best Build: Crit Poisonous Concoction Eye of Winter

The build utilizes critical strikes and chaos damage through Poisonous Concoction along with Eye of Winter. This build deals amazing single target damage, but careful resource management is required.

The build can be costly owing to the unique item build, but is effective across the board.

Build link:


- Witch Minion Infernalist

Best Build: Infraenalist Minion Build

The Infraenalist excels at summoning a fire undead minion supported by an Infernal beast. Required skills to achieve it are Flame Skulls to go on the offensive and a Hellhound on the defensive.

This build is unique as it revolves around managing minions and dealing with fire damage. Follow the guide from the early game all the way to the endgame.

Build link


- Witch Blood Mage

Best Build: Blink Autobomber 2.0

Blood Mage turns into an autobomber with low cooldowns by using the Choir of the Storm amulet and Temporalis Silk Robe.

The build also makes use of the Trampletoe Boots for efficient farming of overkill damage.

Supports with strong mobility are able to clear maps with trivial effort. All you need to do is, blink through enemies. T

Build link:


B-Tier: Effective but Niche Ascendancies


- Sorceress Chronomancer

Best Build: Cold CoC Chronomancer

The Chronomancer employs time to slow damaging mechanics, making it easier to avoid damage. This build capitalizes on boss fights and trials through Cold Cast on Critical Strike (CoC) mechanics.

While in a classic sense it may seem less natural to play this build, it is very strong defensively thanks to Temporal Chains and Apex of the Moment. 

Build link:


- Monk Invoker

Best Build: NUKE Crit Wave Lightning Invoker

This build turns the Monk into a ranged character with powerful burst damage. Storm Wave is amazing for AoE damage while Tempest Furry gives the Monk something to use on bosses.

This build is strong, but difficult and requires heavy investment into gear to utilize effectively. 

Build link:


C-Tier: For Experts Only Challenging Ascendancies


- Warrior Titan

Best Build: Hammer of the Gods Ignite Titan

This build focuses on the game's second highest damage single-target skill, Hammer of the Gods, which ignites enemies enabling them to take damage over time during cooldowns.

Build link:


- Warrior Warbringer

Best Build: Cultist Greathammer Warbringer

Clad in one of the weakest classes, this build makes the Cultist Greathammer user AoE damage dealer with zero complexity.

The right setup is crucial in executing this build. Content creator Woolie has a guide on youtube for those who need more assistance.

Build link:


- Monk Acolyte of Chayula

Best Build: Poison Spiral Volley Acolyte of Chayula

Using the Acolyte's innate defensive stats, this build combines Spiral Volley with Rain of Arrows for insane AoE damage while remaining practically unkillable.

Marked for having lower efficiency than other Ascendancies, it encompasses better survivability and clear speed. Go to the sprEEEzy Youtube channel for the complete guide.

Build link:


Final Thoughts

Every Ascendancy in Path of Exile 2 is specifically made for a certain type of player. Unlike the lower tier Ascendancies, the S-Tier ones are extremely overpowered and have more versatility. There's an Ascendancy meant for every playstyle you can think of, all while you explore the endgame content or test out niche builds in the everchanging world of PoE2.

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